a page for stories, experiences, and ideas


prototyping random pursuits and ideas, and documenting projects

my story

MIMIR. 3.2024 → Now


my old friends from robotics and i have always wanted to build something together (last time we did that, we went to the World’s Festival and ‘almost’ won) again, especially with our diverse skillset → so I came up with the idea of mimir, a career journaling app!

doing business with friends isn’t always bad

D7G 1.2024


born for a school venture competition

maybe i should become a cs major

Consult Your Community. 9.2023 → Now


Clients :

what qualifies us college students to give advice to real business owners? 🧐 turns out, we’re more than qualified, bc business depends on creativity and research: two things that college students with lots of time aren’t bad at!

intellectual volunteer work!

before college . . .

Key Club Bergen County Academies. 9.2019 → 6.2022

General Member, Treasurer, Vice President

Key Club was one of my longest commitments in highschool, from freshman to junior year. It was quite a small club when I first joined, having only been its 2nd year since establishment.

highschoolers won’t do until told — but also don’t like being told to do